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In May 2018, I created this account on Wikipedia with an initial interest of improving articles about U.S. streets and roads. Over the years, I have improved articles on streets and highways in Chicagoland, the state of Illinois, and beyond. I added interactive maps (e.g. IL 111 and the A1(M)), route description and history on numerous articles about Wisconsin state highways (e.g. WIS 86), and missing AASHO reports in the 1930s and 1940s sections.

In recent times, however, I gradually became less inclined to primarily edit road-related articles, focusing instead on articles beyond the scope of WP:USRD. Multiple reasons for my declining interest include real life, shifting interests, and the diversification of my edits (e.g. editing public transit articles).

Public memos[edit]

List of user-created content created by AlphaBeta135[edit]





All RTA + SSL rail lines in Chicagoland[edit]



Cite error: A list-defined reference with the name "urbanism" has been invoked, but is not defined in the <references> tag (see the help page).